CVDPREVENT Deep Dive: inequalities in cholesterol management by sex for patients with CVD
The CVDPREVENT team are pleased to announce the launch of a new deep dive report – CVDPREVENT Deep Dive: inequalities in cholesterol management by sex for patients with CVD.
CVDPREVENT data has highlighted two inequalities in cholesterol management in primary care by sex in England:
1. Among people with cardiovascular disease (CVD), females were less likely than males to have a recent prescription for a lipid lowering therapy (LLT).
2. Among people with CVD, females were less likely to achieve target cholesterol levels compared to males.
This was consistent across all regions, ethnicities and deprivation quantiles.
This deep dive into the data explores these inequalities in more detail to provide context around inequalities in lipid management. The report introduces some new data, that has not previously been published by the audit, to uncover these findings in more detail. It is primarily aimed at those working to improve cardiovascular health across the population.
Read the report here. To find all of our outputs go to our outputs page on the Data & Improvement Tool:
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