Quality Improvement Data Packs

CVDPREVENT ICB QI Data Packs - Time for action on CVD prevention

To further support the use of data-driven quality improvement approaches at a system and sub-system level, the NHSE CVD Prevention team, together with NHS Benchmarking Network and the CVDPREVENT Audit Quality Improvement Task & Finish Group, have produced a bespoke Quality Improvement Data Pack for ICBs.

  • The packs present system level data for each ICB against key CVDPREVENT indicators for hypertension and lipid management.

  • They also highlight practice level variation within your ICB, identify top achieving practices and those practices which have improved the most over the last quarter.

  • To help systems translate this information into practical action, and to enable taking a quality improvement approach to the prevention of CVD, the packs also include top tips and key actions to improve achievement against each of the metrics included.

  • The packs also contain links to the relevant pages of the CVDPREVENT audit website to view further detail on your ICB and practice level data.

Download the pack for your local ICB by selecting it from the list below: